Ever get the feeling that you’ve somehow missed your calling? That with all your successes and all your challenges, you’ve been so focused on what you’ve felt you needed to do that you’ve lost sight of who you were meant to be? I have good news for you: it’s not too late! It is never too late!

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What if every moment of your life has been preparing you for this one?
What if today isn’t the finish line, but the starting line?
What if now is the time to finally step into your calling?
What if you knew how you could activate and even lead in your calling without having to go all the way back to the beginning and start over?
You don’t have to just imagine!
Calling Journey
You know you’re here for a reason. You’ve caught glimpses of your calling along the way. But you’re not sure you’ve quite put your finger on what you’re here to do. Don’t worry, there are clues, and each person’s clues are unique to them. Let’s discover yours together!
You know who you are called to be and what you are called to do. But there are so many other demands on you. Time. Money. Family. How are you supposed to squeeze in your calling without blowing up your life? You have options! Let’s explore yours together!
You know your calling and you may already be living it in part, but you’re feeling a pull to take it to the next level. You really want to make an impact in this world, but you’re not sure where to start. What you really want is a guide. Let’s chart your leadership path together!

I’m Tanya Simpson. Throughout a decades-long career in corporate leadership, I couldn’t shake the feeling that even with all of my successes, I had somehow missed my calling. Not knowing who to ask or where to turn, I left my corporate career and began a journey of discovery that led me to write and publish a book, open a community music center, and ultimately answer the call to help others discover, activate, and lead in their own calling – without having to blow up their lives to do it!
Your calling may not look like mine. In fact, I’m sure it won’t, because your calling is unique to you! What I can tell you for certain is this: there is someone out there, right now, who is just waiting for you to step up and answer your calling. Waiting for help that only you can give. Waiting for that special something that is uniquely assigned to you to bring to this world.
Will you answer?
“At a very early age, I developed a belief that we’re all here to contribute something unique, that deep within each of us lies a special gift.”
Tony Robbins
Dive in?
Dive in with Tanya and a group of your peers to a ten-week program that will guide you through the steps to discover and activate your calling. You will leave this program with a clear understanding of your individual calling as well as a concrete action plan to activate your calling.
Group size is limited.
Tanya will personally guide you one-on-one through a custom-tailored journey to discover and activate your unique calling. You will gain a clear understanding of your individual calling and build a concrete action plan to activate your calling. You may also choose to continue your journey with Tanya to develop and implement a custom leadership plan to take your calling to the next level.
Which path is right for you? Let’s talk!